Friday, 14 October 2011

Lecture 3, well this was nothing like a lecture

Not much to say today but for everyone who asks me 'Will you be playing games all day then on your course', I do now formally say I am sorry (-ish). For the duration of my 3 hour lecture today, we played GAMES. Yes, board games for "Research" which has actually helped as I have realised that all board games involve you going around space by space on a shape and on a chipboard board.

Even better these were brand new games which you can get and make from the internet easily. The website we got the games from is called CheapAss, yes the Company which makes the games is called Cheap Ass Games. Why, because they make games which you can download and make the game board required from paper and download the instructions to play the game. Then you use little counter pieces which you might have around the house to use as players and a dice. Simple, fun and all for free (may I suggest Take-Back-Toe and Devil Bunny needs a Ham (don't ask because I'm still not sure and I have played the game)).

So in all, a very productive day (fun also). Ohh and also by next week, we have to have a working model of the game, lots of meetings to report next week.

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