Friday, 7 October 2011

The Official Start

Today, what I would call my first official lesson/ lecture (that's what Uni students are to call lessons) in the module, I had the task of presenting myself to the class.

Form the previous lecture going through the course module handbook (dull and boring) and getting our mission for the first semester, the class was also given a advanced, get to know you task to present yourself and favorite childhood board game to the class. This weeks lesson I was presenting myself to the class and my favorite childhood board game which I decided to do Jenga. It had to be 5 slides long, no more or no less and present it in 5 minutes.

Now presenting in front of people, big or small (small being 10-ish people) I have always found it a bit hard but over years I have been trying to develop my confidence and presenting skills at any opportunity available to me to get to grips with doing it. Thankfully, for the first time it really helped with all the practicing I have got in. It went really well as my lecturer is said to be very critical to bad things that you have done ,but he didn't say anything bad just good. Woo hoo.

So that was very good. Then the exciting part happened, form the first week of being given our task, we got to choose who we wanted to be in a teams with. Thankfully I would happily say that I have a very good, kind, friendly and most of all smart people in my team called Fraser and Peter. A good friend I have met in Uni and another friend who has come up with me from College.

And as the A-Team we went to go and get our image in which we had to base our board game around. Well at random choice, PETER choose this very weird strange picture by a girl called Bridget Riley called 'Ease'. Well to finish off this post, please offer us as a team good luck (Image beside).

Bridget Riley 'Ease'.

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